Books for Therapists on Abuse, Assault & Domestic Violence

Abuse, assault, and domestic violence are systemic issues that are sadly perpetrated daily, and therapists are key professionals to assist the abused. These next couple of books address certain facets of these troubling occurrences, such as its origins and background, how to identify it, and how to stop it.

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“The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals that Protect Us from Violence” by Gavin de Becker

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The Gift of Fear is a book written by internationally acclaimed author Gavin de Becker and ranked as #1 US bestseller. The book’s main goal is to teach you how to listen to your gut instinct, and how by doing so you can avoid unnecessary and frightful situations. Gavin de Becker, through various stories and narratives, seeks to illuminate the pattern of behaviors and events that point to a violent situation and give us the power to identify these patterns and act on it before anything happens at all. By reading the signals described in the book, named as PINS (Pre-Incident Indicators), it’s expected that we gain the perception of dangerous situations in our everyday lives that we might’ve missed otherwise.

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“Handbuch Häusliche Gewalt” von Melanie Büttner

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The multi-perspective manual is an answer to the urgent need for action in politics and society. It introduces the manifestations and backgrounds of domestic violence and offers a systematic overview of help opportunities not only for women, men and children affected, but also for male and female perpetrators. There is a special attention given to the situation of non-heterosexual and trans people. The book introduces application-oriented articles on early help, medical care, counseling and therapy together with overview articles on care needs, funding programs and research projects at federal and EU levels.

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