Books for Therapists on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a revolutionary therapy modality that has greatly influenced psychology as a whole since its first formulation. The number of therapists involved with it grows every day, making for a large group of psychologists theorizing about this thrilling approach. Either to learn the basis of CBT or discuss more advanced matters, these books are the best recommendations there are.

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“Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Basics and Beyond” by Beck

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The leading text for students and practicing therapists who want to learn the fundamentals of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), this book is eminently practical and authoritative. In a highly accessible, step-by-step style, master clinician Judith S. Beck demonstrates how to engage patients, develop a sound case conceptualization, plan treatment, and structure sessions effectively. Core cognitive, behavioral, and experiential techniques are explicated and strategies are presented for troubleshooting difficulties and preventing relapse. An extended case example and many vignettes and transcripts illustrate CBT in action. Reproducible clinical tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2″ x 11″ size.

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“Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression” by Beck

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This bestselling, classic work offers a definitive presentation of the theory and practice of cognitive therapy for depression. Aaron T. Beck and his associates set forth their seminal argument that depression arises from a “cognitive triad” of errors and from the idiosyncratic way that one infers, recollects, and generalizes. From the initial interview to termination, many helpful case examples demonstrate how cognitive-behavioral interventions can loosen the grip of “depressogenic” thoughts and assumptions. Guidance is provided for working with individuals and groups to address the full range of problems that patients face, including suicidal ideation and possible relapse.

“Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie – Einführung: Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie bei Angst- und Panikstörungen, Burn-out und Depressionen” von Pfannschmidt

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This book provides a 4-week work plan for a cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and panic disorders, burnout, depression and impulse control disorders. Work plans, worksheets and questionnaires for self-analysis are included for topics e.g. History of cognitive behavioral therapy; the basic principles of cognitive behavioral therapy; what the therapeutic process looks like; which different cognitive processes exist etc.

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