Books for Therapists on Eating Disorders

Eating disorder cases have increased considerably in the last decades, assailing especially young women, but also another large parcel of people. Therapists need to be prepared to deal with this issue in the clinic, understanding the causes of this disorder, its characteristics, and the most indicated interventions; the next books aim to teach you exactly that.

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“Internal Landscapes and Foreign Bodies: Eating Disorders and Other Pathologies” by Gianna Williams

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Klein’s model of projective and introjective processes and Bion’s theory of the relationship between container and contained have become increasingly significant in much clinical work. in a highly imaginative development of these models of thought, the distinguished clinician gianna williams, one of the leading figures in the field, elucidates the psychodynamics of these processes in the context of impairment of dependent relationships and of eating disorders in both men and women. This is a timely and brilliant account of an area of psychopathology that is rapidly growing in significance.

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“Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Body Image Dissatisfaction” by Pearson, Heffner, and Follette

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To this day, society sustains an impossible beauty standard that leaves people feeling distressed and flawed, causing at times serious disorders. This helpful guide shares an evidence-based protocol of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy applied to body image dissatisfaction, with the objective of teaching practitioners how to help patients create a healthy and satisfactory relationship with their bodies.

“Therapie der Essstörung durch Emotionsregulation” von Sipos und Schweiger

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This manual – developed and tested at the University of Lübeck – shows how eating disorder can be overcome by improving emotion regulation. Emotion regulation is an essential factor in the development and maintenance of an eating disorder. Psychoeducational content and therapeutic interventions are described as well as the special features of the treatment of adolescents, the management of problem situations, and medical and psychiatric comorbidities in patients with eating disorders. Working materials for therapeutic work are available for download.

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