Books for Therapists on Ethics of Psychotherapy

In the exercise of psychotherapy, a professional is faced with a variety of ethical quandaries, some more superficial and others more grave. No matter what the questions are, these next few books aim to assist you in anserwing them, all the while discussing what it means – and what it takes – to be an ethical therapist.

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“Becoming an Ethical Helping Professional” By Rita Sommers-Flanagan and John Sommers-Flanagan

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Becoming an Ethical Helping Professional is a complete and diverse reflection on the matter of ethics and professional codes. Approaching the matter in a number of different ways, like with polished case studies, interviews with counselors and students and interactive activities, this book will leave you thinking on what it actually means to be an ethical professional and person, and what you can do to achieve that.

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“Ethik in der Forensischen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie” von Manuela Dudeck und Florian Steger

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Forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy encompasses the assessment and treatment of mentally ill offenders and is one of the most difficult terrains between medicine and law. Doctors and psychologists are hired as experts in criminal proceedings to answer questions about culpability, credibility or the prognosis of the crime. This new standard work combines the broad range of topics for the first time and provides insight into the relevant ethical principles and questions of forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy. It not only helps with the classification and evaluation of difficult ethical constellations, it also offers concrete solutions for decision-making situations in the broad spectrum of forensic-psychiatric fields of action.

“Ethik für alle Fälle: Arbeitsbuch zur Ethik in Psychotherapie und Beratung” von Monika Bormann, Ulrike Maus und Georg Zilly

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Developing your own practice-oriented ethical attitude – that is the aim of this workbook. For this important goal, it gathers statements from colleagues, case vignettes from daily practice, theoretical contributions and guidelines – enough material for an intensive discussion of the topic. Those who work through it – alone or better in a discussion-friendly working group – can check their attitudes and opinions and thus find their own well-founded ethical attitude for practice.

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