Books for Therapists on Jungian Therapy

Jung was a rather controversial, but definitely brilliant psychologist. His work resonates with us to this day, and we can certainly explain much of modern society by taking a closer look at his concepts. That being said, this section will help you get familiarized and learn more about the polemical ideas of Jung, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of how we connect to each other, and why we act and think the way we do.

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“Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious” by Jung

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This collection of essays by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung are some of his most important work, as it delves on subjects such as archetypes and the collective unconscious, which are now thoroughly studied and theorized upon concepts. By delivering insights and examples, Jung demonstrates the ingeniosity of his ideas, and explains in detail what are the 12 archetypes and in what consists and how operates the collective unconscious.

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“The Essential Jung: Selected Writings” by Jung and Storr

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Author Anthony Storr selected and edited Jung’s writing to bring us this compact and clear book that follows the development of Jung’s theory, alongside his biography. The volume touches on many concepts essential to those who want to learn more about the fascinating ideas of Carl Jung, such as archetypes, introversion and extroversion, and individuation, which are still deeply relevant in today’s society.

“Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie: Basisbuch und Praxisleitfaden” von Wöller und Kruse

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This textbook deals with the most important key terms in the treatment technique of depth-psychology-based psychotherapy. This procedure, which is most frequently used in clinics and practice, is presented by the background of psychoanalytic object relationship theory and ego-psychological approaches. The authors explain the therapeutic approach of the various treatment phases in a practical and clear manner. Using short exemplary interaction sequences from therapeutic conversations, they suggest possible interventions and discuss them in detail. In addition, the authors give specific recommendations on the technical handling of transference and countertransference.

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