Books for Therapists on Schema Therapy

If performed correctly, schema therapy can be extremely advantageous to a patient. Having drawn from a number of different therapy modalities, such as gestalt and behavioral, this practice combines some of the best features of these approaches and creates an innovative and effective tool. The volumes listed in this section provide a complete and detailed look into how schema therapy works and the step-by-step implementation of it.

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“Schema Therapy” by Young, Klosko and Weishaar

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Schema Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide is a crucial book to the understanding and implementation of schema therapy. The book is designed to give the reader a deep understanding of this famous approach that mixes cognitive-behavioral therapy with other well-known practices. By reading it, therapists everywhere will learn in detail how to work with a patient’s history and identity while exercising individualized schema therapy techniques.

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“Fallbuch Schematherapie” von Jacob und Seebauer

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This book introduces case studies in topic of schema therapy. With schema therapy, it is possible to treat a wide range of mental disorders: narcissistic or borderline personality disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or depression. In 29 example cases, well-known and experienced schema therapists show how schema therapy can work. They demonstrate both similarities and individual differences between the cases and the approach of different therapists. The therapist should always keep an eye on the individual characteristics, resources and living conditions of the patients and integrate them into the treatment in such a way that they can benefit as much as possible.

“Schematherapie bei Essstörungen” von Archonti, Roediger, de Zwaan

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Eating disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses and are often difficult to treat with conventional psychotherapeutic methods. The authors transfer the schematic therapeutic approach to the treatment of patients with eating disorders. The editors are experts in both schema therapy and the treatment of eating disorders. Both anorexia and bulimia as well as the binge eating disorder are taken into account in this manual. In addition to an overview of the current state of knowledge in the treatment of eating disorders, the focus of schema therapy in this area is placed on methods that activate emotions and experiences, imagination and reparenting.

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