Books for Therapists on Self-Marketing
Self-marketing may seem like a superfluous thing to worry about when working in the Psychology field, but it’s actually essential to the success of your practice. Knowing how to sell yourself and administrate your business at the same time can be difficult to manage, but this section will talk about how to do just that.
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“Ethisches Marketing in Psychologie und Psychotherapie” von Kernstock-Redl, Schultheiss und Stühlinger

Psychologists and psychotherapists have high ethical demands on their work – and in the same time they are also entrepreneurs. Based on the professional profile in public and the presentation of the legal framework, the team of authors provides a wealth of legally and ethically correct and cost-effective marketing measures: from specialization, recommendation culture, target group-oriented public relations, pricing and mental hygiene to practical tools for the practice organization.
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