Books for Therapists on Treatment Planning

The books listed below address one of the essential elements of a successful intervention: a good treatment plan. These works help you design the best treatment plan possible to a given patient, and debate what are the components that make for a successful intervention.

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“The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner” by Arthur E. Jongsma, L. Mark Peterson, William P. McGinnis, and Timothy J. Bruce

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The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner is a complete and educational guide to perform effective and helpful intervations. The Treatment Planner evidence-based strategies to deal with all kinds of mental health problems, like anxiety, attachment disorder, ADHD and many more. Written by specialists of the field, the book presents a well constructed view on mental health issues concerning children.

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There’s a huge amount of resources for therapists out there. We’ve made a resource for any topic between starting a practice to dealing with a patient problem. Inside you will find books, podcasts, TED talks, worksheets and forums. Sounds like it can help you now or in the future? Simply enter your email and it’ll be in your inbox for you to use!

“Analytisch orientierte Psychotherapie in der Praxis: Behandlungsplanung, Kassenanträge, Supervision” von Roderich Hohage

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The focus of the completely revised 5th edition is the practice of guideline psychotherapy including the application process. The central topic is the many decisions that should be made before starting therapy. Questions about treatment technique (dealing with transference and countertransference, scenic understanding, “as if fantasies”) as an expression of the basic therapeutic attitude are included. Special attention is paid to the tension between the therapist’s affective responses and his or her critical self-reflection: clearly prepared didactically with many case studies. A comprehensive new chapter on supervision in therapeutic practice rounds off the book convincingly in this 5th edition.

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