Books for Therapists on Working with Millenials

Today, it feels like the whole world is attempting to figure out millennials: what drives them, what they fight for, what they look for, and such. These next books are precisely about this intriguing generation, and have the aim to educate people about its wants and needs, and break long-disseminated stereotypes.

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“Das Millennial-Manifest” von Jankovska

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The young journalist Bianca Jankovska writes a dazzling, provocative, eloquent account of society; she railed against precarious working and living conditions, peers of the same age who were unable to relate, and life as such.

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“Kids These Days” by Harris

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Author Malcolm Harris, a millennial himself, writes this book drawing from his experience and research, presenting the state-of-the-art of millennial living. Addressing matters such as mass incarceration, student debt, and social media, Harris gets real about the reality of these young adults and refuses the prejudicial stereotypes manufactured by other generations.

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