Category: Books

Books for Therapists on Running a Marriage & Family Practice

MFT stands for Marriage and Family Therapist, which is an intriguing and attractive line of work. However, there are a number of different paths to follow when discussing marriage and family therapy, which is why this section is dedicated to clarifying some of the best and most recent approaches to MFT, also discussing some key […]

Books for Therapists on Running a Private Practice

Starting a private practice can be a long and confusing process, full of unanswered questions. However, this book not only shows strategies on how to successfully establish a private practice, but also gives insight into how maintaining it properly. To keep this site running, we are an Amazon Associate where we earn from qualifying purchases […]

Books for Therapists on Coping & Defence Mechanisms

  Coping and defence mechanisms are an integral part of the human mind; its use varies from everyday situations to life-changing losses or difficulties in life, and they’re important in every one of those situations. The following list of books includes inspirational, educational, and oftentimes humorous narratives on this issue, and have the power to […]