Category: Resources

Books for Therapists on Multiculturalism

In the modern era, different cultures are clashing and mixing, creating unique phenomenons made possible by globalization; at the same time, it may seem like different cultures have insurmountable differences, making it difficult to understand people from different backgrounds. These next few books will help you gain a better grip on other cultures and people, […]

Books for Therapists on Abuse, Assault & Domestic Violence

Abuse, assault, and domestic violence are systemic issues that are sadly perpetrated daily, and therapists are key professionals to assist the abused. These next couple of books address certain facets of these troubling occurrences, such as its origins and background, how to identify it, and how to stop it. To keep this site running, we […]

Books for Therapists on Sexual Trauma

Sexual trauma is an extremely difficult thing to heal from, which makes the role of the mental health practitioner even more important. With deep sensitivity, the following books tell inspirational stories about people that suffer from traumatic sexual experiences, exercising the reader’s empathy and compassion. Some of the books also detail respected approaches to work […]

Books for Therapists on Family Members with Personality Disorders

Many times, dealing with people with personality disorders can be exhausting to friends, family, and significant others, and may even take a toll on their mental health. That’s why this section of books is dedicated to addressing this issue, with the main objective of helping people handle a person with a personality disorder with more […]

Books for Therapists on Emotion-Focused Therapy

Emotion-focused therapy is a beautiful approach that works intensively with our bonds and connections. It can help patients deal with a number of inter and intrapersonal issues, as it views people as they are in relation to others. This section brings what is most essential in emotion-focused therapy, addressing its theory and its practice with […]